Quick Tip Video - Account Coverage

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In this video, we’ll explore Team Spotlight in Totango, with emphasis on account coverage. Major topics include: Filtering by team role, customizing team performance metrics, and prioritizing outreach.

Team Spotlight provides a dashboard view of team activities, like the number of touchpoints, completed tasks, and more. Although any Totango user with access to the “Executive Console” can use Team Spotlight, it’s particularly helpful if you manage a team. Managers use these insights to guide one-on-one discussions, help their teams uncover trends, and prioritize their efforts.

You can find Team Spotlight from the left navigation, under Executive Console.

At the top of the Account Coverage dashboard, you’ll see a summary of performance by the selected Team Role, and period of time. As a reminder, Team Role is applied during account assignment. This drop-down allows you to compare performance for anyone with the same role, such as all your Onboarding Managers or all CSMs.

For time period, you can filter by 7 days, the last 30 days, or even up to the last 365 days.

Activity Volume includes total touchpoints and completed tasks. For individuals, hover over the Activity Volume bar chart to see a break out across different flows–such as escalations, renewals, or onboarding. This breakout helps you see where individuals are spending most of their time.

As a reminder, choosing a flow is required whenever a new task or touchpoint is created. If anyone on your team is new to Totango, you can use Activity Volume as a quick indicator of adoption or Time-to-Productivity. Many managers make a point to give a new team member a kudo whenever they see an increase in activity during their onboarding period.

Also be mindful of coaching your team on touchpoint quality in addition to quantity. Showing examples of quality touchpoints during team meetings may help build good habits quickly. A

ccount Coverage shows the number of accounts that have any activity out of the total number of accounts represented. As an example, two-thirds of this CSM’s accounts have had activity in the last two weeks, whereas this CSM has had a similar number of activities, but it represents a much smaller portion in comparison due to having five times the number of accounts assigned.

Moving to the next two columns, we see Average Active Days and Average Active Users for the time period selected, including a trend over time for the previous comparable time period. These metrics refer to your customers’ usage of your product, to indicate how active these accounts are and to identify any trends in usage. A quick spot check at the individual level may help identify an early warning sign for a bigger than normal dip.

You can swap out the default metrics for other performance metrics, such as license utilization, contract value, or even custom metrics. In addition to the team summary, individual performance includes a health snapshot, including a trend indicator for the time period selected.

To see account details for each individual and to prioritize outreach, click on an individual. “Covered” indicates accounts that have activity, whereas “Not Covered” indicates no activity during the selected time period. “Has Overdue Tasks” shows details for any accounts that have an overdue task associated.

Click the column name to sort by health or by volume, as an example. This may be a good starting point in your 1:1 discussions. You can learn more about task-level insights, known as “Work Focus” in another video.