Quick Tip Video - Activating a SuccessPlay

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In this video we’ll set up a SuccessPlay from scratch. Major topics include: Trigger criteria and scheduling options.

In another video we looked at different use cases for SuccessPlays and logic considerations. Now, let’s create a new play and set it into motion. The scenario we’ll use is Customer Referenceability. What to do if one of our customers is a good candidate to use as a reference in sales.

Within my SuccessBLOC, I’ll click Create a SuccessPlay. How will we know when a customer is a good candidate to be a reference? A Success Manager may have a good pulse on this question–or maybe a customer even offers to be a reference. So I’ll allow this play to be invoked manually.

Also, I’m going to trigger this play automatically based on some criteria. I’ll say, run this play on all paying accounts that are in adoption or established stages of their journey AND who have been live for at least 60 days. As I add criteria, I can preview which accounts match–and I’ll show you this again in a moment. Next, we can set up the action. 

Since this play has the option to be invoked manually, I only have two options, which are both task-based. In my use case, I want the success manager to manually update the “reference” attribute, so I’ll do that through a request form. You can set up this form in advance under Global Settings, or we can create a new one right from here. This form is simple; it just has one attribute on it.

Now, I can choose to whom I’ll assign this request information task; in this case, it’s for the Success Manager to do within 7 days. Under the overall accountability settings, I could keep myself listed so that I could make sure this task gets done within the timeframe specified. For this type of task, it’s not the most urgent of tasks, so I’m going to entrust my Success Managers to stay accountable on their own.

Finally, I can get ready to activate. Similar to the scheduling options with campaigns, I can set it to Ongoing, which triggers the action anytime an account enters the selected segment or target criteria. Recurring is another option if I want to set this play in motion on a routine basis to trigger the action for any account that has entered the segment or target criteria on the date it’s scheduled. For my scenario, I could do either, but let’s do ongoing so that we can see this in action.

Finally, I get another preview of the accounts that meet my trigger criteria, which will be impacted as soon as I activate. Right now, I don’t have any. That’s ok! Once my next paying account has been live for 60 days, it’ll fire automatically. I’m ready to click Save and Activate. I noticed I also need to share this SuccessBloc with my team so that they have access to the manual play.

So let’s see how this play works–both manually and event-based. I’m now logged in as a Success Manager. My customer just offered to be a reference! When I click Run SuccessPlay from the quick actions bar, I can now choose this play to run for myself. When I click to complete this new task, the related form appears, where I can quickly update the Reference attribute.

Back in the SuccessBLOC, I can see whenever this play is invoked and completed, and I can even click in to see the account affected.

As for event-based, anytime a Success Manager updates information on the account or enough time passes that satisfies the play criteria, a task is automatically scheduled to be completed within the time period specified.