Quick Tip Video - Adding a Collection

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In this video you’ll add a new collection. Major topics include: Configuring the structure, displaying a collection and editing collection data in the UI, and uploading collection data.

A collection is a way for you to display a set of data related to an account in a table or grid within the account profile. Examples of data commonly added as a collection are support tickets or survey data from another system. Totango even uses collections to display CSAT responses.

All of these items all have a 1:M relationship to the account and typically have a short lifespan. Let’s use a very common example–say we have some opportunities that we want our Success Managers to have visibility into whenever they’re reviewing their accounts in Totango.

The first step within Global Settings > Data Management > Data Modeler is to define the collection information by clicking add from the Account Information tab and choosing Collection. We’ll give it a name, an ID, and choose the dimension. In our example, we will allow our team to make edits to the data directly from within Totango, but this depends on the use case and is generally not likely for opportunity data.

Every collection must have a key, which is a unique value, so this is automatically populated for us and will be represented in Totango as opportunitiesid, with collection name preceding the key identifier.

Now for the attributes. Think of these as the columns in your table. Just like other attributes, we’ll need to make sure to specify the right data type. Once we add our collection structure, all we need to do is click Create.

Now we need to get the relevant collection data into Totango. We’ll show you a simple example of this in a moment, but for purposes of training, let’s see what we’re able to do so far. From any account profile view, click the Ellipses to modify Settings. You’ll now see your new collection as an option to turn on as a medium widget. Once added, we can see the opportunities widget.

Since we allowed the collection to be edited within Totango, our team can now add new rows to the collection or click to edit the existing values. Totango automatically displays a new Rapid Insight Form to make data entry easier. Our team can also now create segments from collection data, or even search for accounts by filtering on the collection data. Keep in mind that using collection data in filters is not supported in user segments, campaigns, teams, or health designer.

Allowing users to interact with collection data in the UI is an option, but more commonly, collection data is either imported from other systems or even set up as a virtual collection, which extracts the data directly from a 3rd party application. You’ll learn more about all the ways to get data into Totango in other videos, but for purposes of understanding what’s possible with collections, we’ll use a very simple method–a file upload, which we can do within Data Management > Customer Data Hub.

Click Connect under Local File, and then click Add to create this very simple integration. We are importing collection data, and now all we need to do is upload the file and ensure the data maps to our Opportunities collection. Taking a look at our sample data file, we’ve added the details about our opportunities. Remember, all collection data must have a collection id and an account id–since all collections must be tied to an account.

Once we choose the file, Totango needs to match up the columns in the file with the attributes in Data Modeler. You may need to make some adjustments here, making sure the columns in the preview match up with your data file. Then click Validate Mapping to ensure the data passes the test, and then Upload. The data is now visible under the relevant account profiles.