Quick Tip Video - Analyzing Revenue Performance

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In this video we’ll look at data within Revenue Center, particularly after a time period closes. You’ll learn how Revenue Center calculates actual values and best practices for reviewing performance.

In total, you can access up to a year of actual and forecasted revenue. For past time periods, the “to-date” references are replaced with “actual.” However, you can toggle the last column to see the gap between Actual vs. Goal or Forecast vs. Goal by clicking on the column header.

Revenue Center calculates actual values by looking at changes to contract value and status during the time period. For example, we forecasted over 23 thousand in upsell. However, only one of these accounts had an adjustment to its contract value attribute, so our actual was 13 thousand.

For upsells and downgrades, Revenue Center allows you to adjust the contract value change date. For example, if the contract got signed on the last day of the month, but the attribute value didn’t get updated in Totango until the next business day. You could back-date to ensure the dollar amount gets attributed to the appropriate time period.

For churn, Revenue Center calculates actual loss when an account moves from paying to canceled during the time period. Similarly, you can adjust the actual cancellation date to ensure the churn is recognized in the appropriate period. Additionally, Revenue Center displays the Success Manager for the time periods in which these changes were made, even if account assignment has changed since.

Looking closer at the team view tab, you can filter by “My Accounts” or additional filters if configured. For January, I forecasted losing 62 thousand dollars but actually none of my forecasts resulted in contract value change or cancellation, so my growth was 0.

Lastly, within the Trends tab, we can look at individual and company performance by net retention rate, revenue, and upsell & renewal revenue comparisons. If available, click to view the data in a tabular format. You can also download data from Revenue Center from the upper right corner… And from each of the clickable summary views throughout the team dashboard. Visit the Help Center for more details.