Quick Tip Video - What's next for your onboarding program?

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Great job on setting up your SuccessBLOC. The next part is the best part: Iteration!

You’ll know what I mean when you find yourself continually editing your Scorecard and adding dozens of new segments as your program grows. One word of advice is to ensure your KPI goals match the customizations you’ve made in your workflows.

As an example, if you build out a sequence of SuccessPlays that assign due dates for tasks that add up to 60 days, but your overall target for the process is 45 days, you’ll want to adjust your KPI. For this BLOC, one of the ways you can refine is to dig into the onboarding stage that is taking the longest. What tasks are overdue, where are people getting stuck?

Remember, the reason you are building automation is to get predictability on meeting your targets and to see immediately when something is out of compliance.