Quick Tip Video - Measuring Play Effectiveness

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In this video we’ll review SuccessPlays post activation. Major topics include: Editing plays and play effectiveness score.

Within the SuccessBLOC under SuccessPlays, I’ll see a summary of all my play activity. I can click into any play to see details about the accounts affected, and status of each action in the play. I can edit a play anytime. If I simply want to add some notes to this action, I don’t need to disable the play first; I can simply make my change and click Save and Activate. My change will not apply to any tasks already scheduled, but I’ll see those updates for any new tasks as this play runs.

If you need to make a lot of changes, you may find it easier to disable the play to prevent it from firing while you edit. Or, you may even want to create a copy of the play and keep the new one in draft until you’re ready to set it active and disable the old one, even deleting the old tasks if applicable.

To help you improve your plays, Totango applies an Effectiveness score. This maturity model in this algorithm requires your play to be active for at least 60 days. After that time, you’ll see a score based on productivity and impact: What influence on team productivity–work volume and pace– do the tasks created by this SuccessPlay have? And, what impact does this SuccessPlay have on health improvements and revenue increase. The algorithm is ever-changing and calculates the data on a weekly basis. As you add more workflows, use this indicator and feedback from your team to fine-tune your plays to ensure your team achieves results.