Quick Tip Video - Personalizing a SuccessBLOC

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In this video, you’ll learn how to quickly customize marketplace items within your SuccessBLOC and set them into motion. Major topics include: Reviewing data, best practices for publishing the SuccessBLOC, and activating individual items.

When you install a SuccessBLOC from the Marketplace, we’ve already seen in another video that they come pre-built with Segments, SuccessPlays, Campaigns, Asset, and Reports. This is a HUGE time-saver, but it does require you to review these items carefully to ensure they fit in with your data model and processes. For every SuccessBLOC you install, you can download the user and account attributes that are required for the items in this BLOC to work.

One of the most obvious attributes here for onboarding is the Onboarding Stage attribute--this is what allows our onboarding team to keep customers on track. The team either manually updates this value as the customer completes certain steps, or we can even have SuccessPlays update this value automatically based on certain events. So let’s go into our Data Modeler and make sure that the stages defined in Totango match our actual process.

Onboarding stage is a lifecycle attribute type, which not only gives it this drop-down functionality on the profile, but it also allows us to define an ending stage. In our case, our live stage is the end of this lifecycle. As customers move through these stages, Totango keeps track of the days in each stage so that we can use that data in our process.

After you review each attribute in the SuccessBLOC, the other thing you’ll want to make note of is any references to usage data. Bringing your product usage data into Totango is of course tremendously beneficial–not only for centralizing that information right on the account profile, but also for taking some sort of action based on how your customers are—or are not–using your product. There are a number of ways to bring that data into Totango, which you can learn about in other videos.

For now, let’s draw our attention to where you might see references to usage data within these starter campaigns and SuccessPlays. For example, in this new user welcome email, we see that there are two references to product usage–one for determining which users to send this campaign to, and the second is how we’re measuring success of this campaign– whether or not the recipient logs in as a result of this email. In my instance, I am bringing in usage data via product instrumentation, so I would need to select one of my actual product modules or activities if “Login” isn’t already defined in my usage data. You’ll also note I have an error in the campaign designer, which helps ensure that I personalize this content.

Before you activate any of these items, a best practice is to share the BLOC with your team to get feedback and conduct training. Before I do that, I might want to add some assets to inform my team on what they need to know about this BLOC or documents referenced in tasks, such as the customer kickoff deck template. The other thing I might do is hide this Setup tab, since I’ve done all these steps, and no one else needs to see them.

Once I publish, anyone who is a member of this team now has view access to all of the items in this BLOC. You’ll note that the lock icon is now gone.

When your team is informed and ready, you can start activating items in any order, at any time. SuccessBLOCS are designed to be iterative, so don’t worry about having every item complete before you put things in motion. Activating a campaign will immediately trigger the send according to the schedule you have set up. If you have any changes to make after it’s been activated, you can deactivate and then reactivate when ready–except for a campaign that has been designed to be sent immediately, which in that case, you can make a copy.

For event-based SuccessPlays, you’ll need to verify the details, and then they will start as soon as the condition(s) are met. For manual SuccessPlays, once they are activated, other team members can now find them within the quick actions bar whenever they’d like to run them. If you make any edits to an active SuccessPlay, any open tasks that have already been created and are still open will not be changed. You can learn more about best practices for designing and editing SuccessPlays in another video.