Quick Tip Video - Roles & Users

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In this video, we’ll explore part two of user management. Major topics include: Creating custom roles and adding and disabling users.

The system user roles are Team Admin and Regular User. Team Admin allows users to see a Team Settings option from within the left navigation, where I can modify settings for the team. A Global Admin supersedes team roles, and can only be set within a user’s profile. But you can also add your own roles.

As a reminder, these roles are unrelated to the roles that you find within Account Assignment—because you may have some Totango users who only manage accounts and others who may never be assigned to an account but will use Totango in other ways–such as executive leadership or a Program Manager who builds SuccessBLOC. And, you can even set different roles per team–perhaps you have a Regular User role on the SMB team but you create a Team Lead role on the Enterprise team for advanced permissions. Once we create the role within Teams, we can head to the Permissions section to define the settings.

Permissions allows you to define three areas: Account profile functions, other Totango functions, and even components of Global Settings. For example, in choosing who can update account information or layout, you can choose to limit by: Anyone on certain teams, anyone who has been assigned to some role on the account, or anyone with a particular role–either account assignment or success team role.

For the other tabs, account assignment isn’t relevant, so the options are limited to success team or role. In my example, I created a role for a Program Manager–someone whom I want to give permissions to create new SuccessBLOCS, but not give full admin access to all global settings and users. Of course, global admins can access all of these features without being specifically named here.

Additionally for my example, I want my program manager to be able to collaborate on any existing SuccessBLOCs–such as modifying campaigns. I can find that option within each SuccessBLOC setting, where I can individually name the user(s) who can access, versus setting this access with a role permission.

Lastly, you can manage users. Here, you can see all users, including yourself, and see more options when you make a selection. You can also click the Ellipses for additional options, such as reassigning a user’s tasks and accounts prior to disabling the account.

Disabling the account frees up a license immediately so you can reallocate to another person. When you invite new to tango users, you just need to enter the email address and decide on team role. The user will get an invitation, which will walk them through the orientation steps, such as entering a password and name. Keep in mind, there are authentication preferences to enable single sign on options and decide how users log into the Totango instance.