Quick Tip Video - Top 5 things you need to know

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1. Accounts.

Accounts are companies. Think of an account profile as a living document…with several editors. Whenever something changes with one of your customers, update it in the account profile. If you’ve identified a risk or need to expand on the overall strategy for the account or even add a new contact or document - update it in the account profile. This gives everyone else on your team visibility. This also powers automation. Totango can trigger notifications or workflows based on changes that are constantly happening. The important thing to remember: if it’s not documented…did it even happen?

2. Contacts.

Contacts are people. Tracking the contacts at each company - and knowing the role they play - may sound easy, and that’s because it is! The contact widget on an account profile allows you to add or edit your contacts. Coool - not exciting. Ah, the real power comes in all the ways Totango can use this information, like sending emails. Not only that, Totango campaigns can identify the correct contacts to automatically send feedback surveys, re-engagement emails, and more. All you need to do is ensure your email signature is up-to-date.

3. Touchpoints & Tasks.

Think of touchpoints as your notes or emails. Think of tasks as the items on your to-do list. Whenever you log a touchpoint, it appears on the account’s timeline. Whenever you create, assign, or complete a task, it also appears on the account’s timeline. Imagine this, you’re on vacation…the sun is out...the wind is in your hair…and your phone is silent! Your whole team back at the office can pull up the timeline to see what you’ve done and what you plan on doing once you return - all without bugging your best self. That’s the power of the timeline.

4. My Portfolio.

Has this happened to you?! You’re juggling a hundred ka-trillion things at once and don’t know where to start? Has this happened to you?! Let Totango crunch the data so that you can do what you love: provide your customers with A+ service. Use your portfolio to start your day - take action on early warning signals for account health or other critical events that are brought to your attention by Totango or a team member. For all the power users in the room, set up your own notifications to know when your accounts experience a drop in health or move into risk. The bottom line, Totango can help you transition your workflow from reactive to proactive.

5. Automation. You work hard and it shows! Your consistent efforts at the input helps drive the output. It’s all connected. For example, the date of your last touch [whisper: note or email] with a customer may influence their health profile, which could be part of a larger program goal for renewal. Whatever your company's initiatives are, you can easily filter by your own book of business to see how your efforts contribute to the goal and find areas where you might need a little help…all without relying on a spreadsheet. You get better, and you get recognized.