Quick Tip Video - Opportunity Management

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Totango opportunity management allows your Customer Success and Sales team to better collaborate on deals in progress. This premium feature includes new options in Totango to manage opportunity records as their own, distinct object so that you can not only capture and view details about each deal within a dedicated profile view, but also use opportunity data in segmentation engines throughout Totango–including SuccessPlays, campaigns, scorecards, and more!

In this video, we’ll show you what you can do with Opportunity Management and considerations for setup. 

Once configured, you can:

  • Import opportunity records into Totango (or export out), and manually add new opportunities on the fly.
  • View all opportunities for an account within their own widget, and even factor opportunity metrics into account health.
  • Open an opportunity profile for a more detailed view, including the ability to define ownership and add touchpoints and tasks that everyone can reference on the opportunity timeline and manage from within My Profile just like any other account notification.
  • Search for opportunity records, and create opportunity segments. Filter by stage, type, contract value, and more to refine the list and customize columns. The Opportunity preview is also available as a quick glimpse into detail without leaving the segment.
  • Create new SuccessPlay and campaign automations based on opportunity criteria.
  • Add KPIs based on opportunity segments to your scorecards.

Opportunity Management is a premium feature. Once enabled, several areas in the Totango UI include new options for global admins to configure opportunity management for your teams within Settings. You’ll want to consider:

  1. Creation: Decide how opportunity records can be created in Totango–either from an integration or manually–and if so, who has permissions to do so.
  2. Hierarchy: Opportunities typically have a parent-child relationship with accounts, so you’ll want to decide which account types can be associated with opportunities.
  3. Health: Determine whether to use opportunity metrics in existing profiles and whether you want to create a new health profile for opportunity types.
  4. Profile: The opportunity profile is highly customizable, so be sure to remove elements that don’t apply to your process–and add new opportunity attributes that support your workflows.