Quick Tip Video - What's next for your VOC program?

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Great job on setting up your SuccessBLOC. The next part is the best part: Iteration! 

One word of advice is to customize your KPI aggregation. For CSAT and NPS metric types, you can change the aggregation to show an average or a distribution.

  • Average tells you the average rating given.
  • Whereas aggregation tells the percentage of the total responses that were good.

A key part of a VOC program is closing the loop. SuccessPlays in this BLOC help implement a workflow for the responsible team member to reach out to anyone who responded negatively. This task not only helps repair the current customer’s experience but also allows your team to dig into reasons so that you can improve processes for new customers in the future.

With NPS feedback, it’s common for multiple teams in the organization to want visibility. After all, NPS measures relational sentiment, which can span all Touchpoints within marketing, product, onboarding, success, finance, and more! Explore the webhook option within SuccessPlays to automatically post NPS responses into your team’s Slack workspace or other communication channels.